Save the Date!
Celebrating Leith
17th - 18th September 2022
Leith for Ever have successfully applied for funding to hold a weekend of community activity Celebrating Leith: Art, Heritage and Community, and we want you to get involved!
Book a
Market Stall
The perfect opportunity to share what you do with others in our community - raise awareness, collect donations and recruit volunteers and members.
We have a limited number of free market stalls for community use on the 17th September- kindly provided to us by At the Market.
Get your 15 minutes of Fame
By booking a 15 minute slot on our community stage on the afternoon of the 17th September. We’re inviting creative Leithers to take a turn on our stage - whether it be music, entertainment, a talk about an aspect of our heritage, or to hear from or about an author or artist based in Leith. We aim to have a mix of community and professional activity throughout the afternoon.
Take a tour…
Do you run tours in or around Leith? We are looking for experienced tour guides to share their knowledge and experience with others.
Either on Saturday the 17th September, or in the following week leading up to doors open day weekend.
Put on another activity.
Do you have an idea for an Arts, Heritage or Community activity that could be organised as part of the event?
Are you already planning something for Doors Open Day?
Let us know and we can promote it in our programme.
Attend the event!
Save the date and come along on the day and join in the fun. As well as the above activities on the 17th September we will be hosting a series of films over the weekend in partnership with Cinescapes. More details and the full programme will be announced in the lead up to the event.