Day 52

The Leith Rotary Club

Selection of images and written post provided by members of The Leith Rotary Club. Many Thanks!

Leith Rotary is a club with over 20 members. For many years these members were selected from local businesses, but now members can come from all walks of life. When joining this small club members automatically become members of Rotary International (RI) which has well over a million members around the world and manages what is possibly the largest charity in the world.

Through this network, and with help from other charities and groups, RI has nearly rid the world of the dreadful disease, Polio. RI has been involved with countless projects, big and small. Leith Rotary has played it’s part in these - such as contributing to building and equipping schools in Africa, as well as independent projects. 


RI has also created other charities which have then developed and become independent, such as Shelterbox, WaterAid, and others. Some of you may remember the Shelterbox fundraising effort in Ocean Terminal - one of Leith Rotary clubs most successful efforts due to the generosity of Leithers. 

Leith members have been to India to help with Polio work, to Ethiopia and to Albania to help with business support and development. Members have also been in various countries in Africa in support of projects.

Around half of our efforts are directed within Leith where we help local charities with a range of support from fundraising, to providing expertise, and by introducing them to other people or groups who can give more focussed assistance. Several local charities have a Rotarian member on their boards.

With other local nearby Rotary Clubs, we run various schools’ competitions – Young Musician, Young Scientist, Young Golfer, Young Citizen, Peace and Conflict Resolution for Schools, and Youth Leadership and others.

In the main, our work is fairly anonymous, but our fund-raising and community projects sometimes become public. We ran the Leith Pageant for many years, and more recently, Dragon Boat Races at Ocean Terminal. After Covid, we shall have firewalking challenges on offer.

If your group needs help, please get in touch. 

If you might be interested in joining Leith Rotary, you would be most welcome. 

Membership is open to all adults. There are associated organisations – Rotakids for Primary School ages, Interact for Secondary School age and Rotaract for ages 18 – 30. Lots more information on our website.


Day 53


Day 51